Coming up with names for anything can be hard and naming your chicken coop is no exception. You may have designed your own coop or bought a book with over 40 different coop plans. Whether your coop is designed to house 3 hens or a flock of 30, it’s nice to have a name for it. Everybody is different. You may want a cute name, a catchy one, a play on words, a fun name. I’ve scoured the web and compiled some awesome options for you!

Table of Contents
Best Chicken Coop Names
The best people to come up with chicken coop names are chicken lovers themselves. These are the ones I personally like the best.
- Banty Shanty
- Biddy City
- Cackleberry Castle (Cackleberry is a slang term for egg)
- Chick-A-Doodle Coop
- Chicken Emporium
- Clucking Cottage
- Coop DeGrille (for your meat chicken coop)
- Coop DeVille
- Coup de Grass
- Coupe de Poop
- Fluff and Stuff Poultry Barn
- Fort Cluck
- Fort Flocks
- Poultry Palace
- Poultry Pueblo
- Sister Chicks
- The Banty Barn
- The Breakfast Club
- The Cackle Shack
- The Chick Haven
- The Chicken Castle
- The Chicken Condo
- The Chicken Prison
- The Chickininy Palace
- The Cluck Hut
- The Cluckleberry Inn
- The Convent (for when you only have hens, no roosters)
- The Country Clucker
- The Egg Plant
- The Eggcellent Inn
- The Eggloo
- The Eggsploratorium
- The Hen Den
- the Hen Hilton
- The Hen Hut
- The Laying Layer
- The Love Shack
- The Over Easy Inn
- True Grit Inn

Cool Chicken Coop Names
So you want a cool name for your coop? This collection of names should fit the bill. Most of them are a play on words. They show some cool ways to transform names of familiar things into awesome names for a chicken coop.
- [Rooster’s Name]’s Brothel
- [Rooster’s Name]’s Hen House
- [Your Chicken Breed] R Us
- Banty’s R Us
- Cheep Accommodations
- Chick Inn
- Cluck on Inn
- Eggs R Us
- EggsMart
- Fort Chix
- Fowl Fortress
- Hen Haven
- La Grange
- Lucky Chicken Manor
Good Chicken Coop Names
A good chicken coop name is one that makes you smile every time you read it. It could be a name that reminds you of home or anything else that brings you joy. These are some good chicken coop names that didn’t fit into another category.
- Chick-Mahal
- Chickenarium
- Chick-Tanomo
- Cluckingham Palace
- Coopiseum
- Egglympus
- Eggri-La
- Graceland (name your Rooster Elvis)
- Henezuela
- Hentasia (like Fantasia)
- Henway Park
- Little Hen House on the Prairie
- Playboy Mansion (great for Rooster’s named “Heff”)
- Taj Macoop
- Tiffany’s (Where you get your breakfast…slogan could be “Eggs Made Fresh Daily”)
- Twelve Yolks (after the “Twelve Oaks” plantation from Gone with the Wind)
Chicken Coop Names Using Your First or Last Name
- [Your Name]’s Bed & Breakfast
- [Your Name]’s Breakfast Buffet
- [Your Name]’s Hen House
- [Your Name]’s Roost

Different Chicken Coop Names
Not everybody’s idea of a chicken coop name is the same. These names are, well, different. Some of them are unique names I hadn’t heard of before, others are just coop names in a different language. These are great if you want a name for your coop that isn’t super common.
- Casa de Huevos (House of Eggs in Spanish)
- Chez Poulet (French for “at chicken”)
- El Pollo Locale
- Gallinas Lindas (SpanIsh for “cute chickens”)
- Honsehuset (Norwegian for “Hen House”)
- Huhne Haus (German for chicken house)
- Le Palais de Poulet (french for “Chicken Palace”)
- Maison d’oeufs (French for “egg home”)
- The Chicks Shall-Lay (a play on words for Chalet which means small wooden house in French)
- The Entertainment Center
Funny Chicken Coop Names
Sometimes you just need to have a little humor in your life. These chicken coop names are funny. They are meant to make you and your visitors laugh. When you just need to lighten the mood, you can mention your chicken coop name!
- Bada Wing Club (Bada Bing!)
- Butt Nugget Boudoir
- Butt Nugget Breakfast Factory
- Chicken Itza
- Egg-cademy
- Fuster Cluck
- Happy Peckers Palace
- Henitentiary
- Lay-brary (Library)
- Little Cluckers Chateau
- Meet the Flockers
- Mother Cluckers
- No More Farm (for when your spouse says No More)
- The Biddy Boudoir
- The Cockpit
- The Clucking Cabana
- The Peep Show

Chicken Coop Names for Specific Breeds
- Andalusian Apartment
- Appenzeller Abode
- Araucana Acres
- Australorp Adventures
- Cemani Co-Op (for Ayam Cemani)
- Barnvelder Bullpen
- Barred Rock Residence
- Bielefleder Box
- Black Spanish Shindig
- Black Star Station
- Brabanter Base
- Brahma Boarding House
- Buckeye Barricade
- Buttercup Bistro
- Chantecler Cave
- Cinnamon Queen Castle
- Cochin Commons
- Crevecoeur Condo
- Cubalaya Council
- D’Uccle Digs
- Delaware Den
- Dominique Domicile
- Dorking Castle
- Favorelle Flap
- Fayoumi Flophouse
- Friesian Farm
- Frizzle’s Shizzle Shack
- Hamburg Homestead
- Houdan Hold
- Isbar Inn
- Java Cafe
- Jersey Giant Garage
- Lakenvelder Lean-To
- Langshan Layout
- Legbar Lounge
- Leghorn Den
- Maran Manor
- Minorca Mansion
- Olive Egger Estate
- Orloff Hal
- Orpington Stronghold
- Plymouth Rock
- Polish Parliament
- Red Star Residency
- Rhode Island Roost
- Sebright Setup
- Serama Shanty
- Silkie Saloon
- Sultan’s Palace
- Sussex Suite
- Sweedish Flower Suite
- Turken Turf
- Welsummer Watering Hole
- Wyandotte Warehouse
Words To Use In Your Coop Name
There are some awesome names in this post but if you still need more chicken coop name ideas, these are some words you can use to mix things up.
Each of these words works great in place of the words coop, house, castle, roost, etc.
- Abode
- Bar
- Bistro
- Cantina
- Castle
- Chateau
- Citadel
- Co-Op
- Condo
- Den
- Depot
- Digs
- Estate
- Fort
- Fortress
- Habitat
- Hall
- Hold
- Inn
- Keep
- Lounge
- Manor
- Mansion
- Pad
- Palace
- Residence
- Roost
- Saloon
- Stronghold
- Suite
- Tavern
- Tower
- Villa
- Warehouse
- Watering Hole
Remember that the naming process for your chicken coop should be fun. Write down your top choices, get the family involved. It is amazing how many ideas you can come up with once you have a list like this to get you started!

Thursday 9th of February 2023
Good name is Bottoms up!
Joni Czechl
Tuesday 27th of December 2022
Fluffy Butt Hutt
Friday 7th of May 2021
These names are all awesome...mine is the Fluffy Butt Estate