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Can You Bake Bread in a Microwave?

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When it comes to baking, a microwave works differently from an oven. This leaves many wondering whether a microwave can be used to bake bread. 

Can you bake bread in a microwave?

You can make bread in the microwave. However, you may need to use a microwave-safe baking dish and adjust the microwave settings based on the type and size of bread you want. 

A microwave produces heat, which can cook ingredients in the dough to make bread. You can have your bread ready within 5 minutes, saving you time and energy. 

Read on to understand how to make bread in a microwave, what you need, and the tips for making such bread. 

happy woman looking at her microwave bread in her kitchen

What You Need to Make Microwave Bread

You will need several tools and ingredients to bake bread in a microwave.


  • A microwave.
  • A microwave-safe baking dish. 
  • Measuring cups and spoons for measuring the ingredients accurately.
  • Mixing bowl for mixing the dough.
  • Plastic wrap or microwave-safe lid for covering the baking dish while baking the bread.
  • Oven mitts or a towel to hold the hot baking dish when removing it from the microwave.


  • 30g (2 ounces) of flour: can be all-purpose, self-rising, or bread flour.
  • A third teaspoon of baking powder or yeast – we recommend either active dry yeast or instant yeast.
  • A teaspoon of sugar, honey, or malt extract to add flavor.
  • A third teaspoon of salt adds flavor to the bread.
  • One egg white.
  • 20g (0.7 fl oz) of vegetable oil or butter to tenderize the bread.
  • A cup of milk or water.
a baker preparing the bread dough using his hands

How to Make Microwave Bread

Here is a step-by-step guide to making microwave bread: 

Step 1: Make the Bread Dough

To make the dough: 

  1. Add milk to the mixing bowl, followed by egg, sugar, and salt.
  1. Mix the ingredients adequately. 
  1. Pour in the flour, followed by baking powder (for no-yeast bread) or instant yeast (for yeast bread).
  1. Continue mixing until you form a dough.

Step 2: Cover the Dough

You can cover the dough for around 15 minutes to retain moisture during the proofing and baking. Also, this is one way to ensure the dough rises enough to produce a desirable texture. 

A covered dough also traps the fermentation gasses produced by the yeast, which promotes flavor development in the bread. 

Step 3: Add Butter and Then Knead

Add butter to the dough, then mix. The butter will help to soften the dough. 

Transfer the dough to a flat surface and then knead for 5 to 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic. You’ll know the dough is ready for proofing when it’s not tearing when stretched. 

This video demonstrates how to check a dough that is done proofing:

Step 4: Cover Again

After kneading, shape the dough into a ball and smear it with oil or butter. It would be best to put it in a bowl smeared with oil, then cover it for an hour or so to double in size.

Step 5: Shape as Desired Then Bake

After an hour of resting, punch out the gas in the dough, then shape it as desired. You can do circular or square shapes.

To effectively bake the dough, put the shaped dough into a microwave-safe dish, then cover it with a lid. 

Bake in a preheated microwave for 3 to 5 minutes. You should set your microwave on high heat. 

Keep an eye on the bread to ensure it’s turning out perfect. You can add more time if you notice the dough is not cooking enough at the end of the 5 minutes. 

Step 6: Test the Doneness of the Bread

To do this, remove the bread from the microwave and feel its weight. If it’s heavy, it should be baked for a few more minutes. However, if it feels light, it’s ready to serve.

You can also use a toothpick to test if your bread is ready.

You only need to insert the toothpick into the center of the bread and then remove and check for any residues on the surface.

The bread should be ready to serve if the toothpick is clean.

freshly baked bread waiting to cool before slicing

Baking Tips for Best Result

When baking bread in a microwave, there are several things you need to pay attention to, including the following:

  • Use a baking dish and lid that can withstand the heat generated by the microwave. The lid will help trap the moisture, creating a moist environment for the dough to rise. 
  • Loosen the lid to give room for the dough to rise when baking.
  • Monitor your bread and adjust the cooking time and temperature level accordingly. 
  • If you’re baking yeast bread, use the correct yeast, preferably instant yeast, since it activates quickly. For active dry yeast, use warm water to activate it before mixing it with the dough. 
  • Use self-rising flour, baking powder, baking soda, and a lemon juice combination, or whipped eggs for no-yeast bread.
  • Preheat the microwave for a minute or two to create a warm environment for the dough to rise. Do this before placing the covered dough in the microwave.
  • Check the doneness of the bread before serving to ensure it’s fully cooked. You can use a skewer or toothpick to check for doneness.
  • Ensure the bread is cool enough for slicing. 
  •  Bread baked in a microwave may not have a hard crust or texture like oven-baked bread. You may want to experiment with different settings to achieve the desired result. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens if You Put Bread Dough in a Microwave?

If you put bread dough in a microwave, many things can happen, including uneven cooking, poor rise and browning, and tough texture. You can control the results by observing proper precautions like preheating the microwave, regulating the heat level, and covering the dough adequately. 

How Long Do You Microwave Bread?

You can microwave bread for around 4 to 8 minutes. The exact time can vary depending on the microwave’s wattage, the thickness and size of the bread, and the ingredients used. 

Can You Reheat Bread in a Microwave?

Yes, you can reheat bread in a microwave. Microwave produces heat that can warm bread that is cold or stale. For best results, use a microwave-safe plate and lid, low-power settings, and microwave at intervals of 7 seconds.

a woman taking out the croissants from the oven

Final Thoughts

A microwave is a good alternative for baking bread. However, you must pay attention to details to achieve the desired results. 

You should measure your ingredients accurately and set the appropriate heat level so your bread can have good texture and flavor. 

You can follow specific techniques, including covering the dough and adjusting the cooking temperature and time to achieve well-cooked and freshly baked bread. 
