Goats are natural forage lovers and they love pumpkins. You will find them rummaging through your yard for leftover pumpkins. They find pumpkins palatable and do not find it hard feeding on pumpkins left behind in the fields once pumpkins undergo thawing and freezing.
All parts of the pumpkin are safe for goats to eat including the flesh, seeds, and skin. Pumpkins contain many of the nutrients that your goats need and the seeds can actually work as a natural dewormer.
Pumpkins contain vitamins A and B. proteins and fibers. Vitamin A helps in boosting their immune system. If your goats have dry eyes, it is a clear indication that they lack vitamin A and pumpkins can help with that.
Goats can also feed on pumpkin vines especially when forage is little and there are pumpkin vines growing in your yard.
Table of Contents
Whole Pumpkin

Goats are choosy and can choose whether to feed on pumpkins or not. They are capable of eating up a whole pumpkin and still need more.
When possible, before feeding them with pumpkins, ensure that they are chopped into small pieces to prevent them from choking.
Pumpkin Rinds

Goats can eat pumpkin rinds! However, not all of them will like it. Some goats will avoid the rind while others will happily gobble them down provided that they are chopped into small pieces to prevent them from choking.
Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are non-toxic to goats and great for deworming. They contain an amino acid called cucurbitacin which prevents infestation by causing paralysis in the worms.
However, this same substance typically acts as an herbivore-deterrent and has a bitter taste when consumed in large quantities.
Cooked Pumpkin

Cooked pumpkins are nutritious and can be fed to goats. However, any cooked pumpkins with seasonings added to them may be harmful and should not be given to goats.
When cooked, pumpkins have a soft flesh and skin which makes them easier to chew. Spare a piece or two for them and they will definitely gobble them down.
If using seasonings, you must do additional research to make sure that each of the seasonings used on the cooked pumpkin is safe for your goats to consume.
Canned Pumpkin
Canned pumpkins are not the best treat for goats and you should avoid pumpkin pie mixes. They contain sugars and spices which are potentially harmful.
Canned pumpkin is not the best choice for your goats. Cooked or raw pumpkins are the best.
Leftover Halloween Pumpkin

Goats can eat your leftover Halloween pumpkins! During a Halloween party, remember to spare some pumpkins for your goats. They will happily feed on them and any leftovers.
Most of the pumpkins are always cooked and canned. However, check to ensure that they are uncarved and unpainted. Provided that the pumpkins are free from oils and seasonings, go ahead and give your goats a treat.
However, you do not have to wait until Halloween is around. Feed them regularly as you wish.
Moldy or Rotten Pumpkins Should Not Be Fed to Goats.
You do not have to worry much about molds. These little friends are always picky and rotten pumpkins are harmful. If you happen to feed them pumpkins with traces of molds, they will single out the good pumpkins and leave behind the rotten ones.
If you notice a pumpkin has mold, it’s best to be safe and discard it just in case.
Pumpkin Treat Ideas for Goats.

Pumpkins are a win-win treat for your goats. A mixture of pumpkins and milk can do better for your little friend. What you need is a cup of pumpkin puree powder, a cup of goat’s raw milk and molds depending on their size.
First, make a pumpkin puree by mixing pumpkin powder with water.
Secondly, fill the molds, half full, with pumpkin puree and then freeze.
Take out the pumpkin pure once it is completely frozen and fill the remaining with raw goat’s milk and then freeze.
Lastly, serve your little friend and let him enjoy.
Goats are browsers and feed on almost all green matter, ranging from shrubs to herbs. If you are looking to have your pumpkins in the garden cleared, you can consider moving your goats to the garden.
Goats will happily devour the pumpkins. This also helps prevent any expelled, uneaten or dropped seeds from growing another pumpkin in the wrong place.
Keep in mind though, that pumpkins should not be the main staple of their diet.
You do not have to worry about how many pumpkins are enough for your goats. They will stop eating once they are full. Similarly, they are too picky and they will feed on the best pumpkins and leave behind the spoiled and rotten ones.