Roosters are symbolic of farm life, but you may be surprised to learn that not all backyard chicken farms have a rooster on the premises. The purpose of having chickens is usually to have fresh eggs each day, so how does that even happen without a rooster around?
Thanks to their unique reproductive process, chickens can lay eggs without a rooster. Their eggs will be nutritious and edible but will never transform into baby chicks without a rooster. While a rooster is not essential to egg production, but they do offer some valuable protection for hens.

Many chicken owners choose not to have a rooster because they only want to produce eggs to eat, not raise baby chicks. Roosters are notorious for being hard to handle, however, they are not all bad and they can be a positive addition to your coop.
Deciding if you should bring a rooster into your brood will be much easier once you know exactly what they bring to the table and whether or not your chickens actually need one.
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How do chickens lay eggs?
A chicken’s reproductive system includes an ovary and an oviduct. The yolk of a future egg is first created in the ovary and when it is ready, it moves to the oviduct section.
In the oviduct, the remaining parts of the egg are formed including the egg white that surrounds the yolk and the shell that encases it all. When it is ready, in a time frame of about 25 hours, the egg is released, being laid by the hen.
At a minimum, a hen can start producing their next egg within a half an hour of laying its last egg. (source)
Why are roosters not needed for chickens to lay eggs?
A chicken’s body, in the right conditions, completes the reproductive cycle of egg creation regardless of whether or not a rooster is around. The rooster is only needed if you want your chickens’ eggs to be fertilized.
A rooster will mate with each chicken in the flock to fertilize any eggs that the chicken produces for the next 3 weeks. A fertilized egg can turn into a baby chick if it is set by a chicken or placed in an incubator for at least 21 days.

Do roosters lay eggs?
No, roosters cannot lay eggs because they do not have the reproductive system that a hen does. Roosters provide only the fertilization of eggs; they are not able to create eggs like a hen.
So even if your chicken appears to have a large comb or wattles, rest assured that if your chicken is laying an egg, it is 100% a hen and not a rooster.
While the presence of a very red comb and “rooster wattles” can help us determine if baby chicks are going to develop into roosters or hens, if you are 100% sure the “rooster” in question laid an egg, you can be 100% sure that he is a she!
What age do chickens start laying eggs?
Chickens, for the most part, start laying eggs somewhere between 4.5 and 6 months of age. The actual age will vary from breed to breed and from one bird to the next.
The initial eggs that your chickens lay will probably be much smaller and perhaps a little oddly shaped when compared to their subsequent eggs.
The first few eggs are like trial runs for your hen. When they reach 7.5 to 8 months old, chickens will begin laying eggs more regularly than when they first started laying. (source)

What other benefit do roosters bring to a flock?
Roosters provide a couple of key benefits to a flock, besides just fertilizing eggs. A rooster will do everything in its power to protect its flock of hens if an animal threatens their lives.
Roosters have spurs on their feet that are very sharp and can be very dangerous. If a predator invades the coop, a rooster not only fight, they will also sound a loud alarm to alert you that something is very wrong.
Besides protection, roosters also help the flock search and find food to keep them all happy and healthy.
Top 3 Reasons Chickens Stop Laying Eggs
Chickens typically do not stop laying eggs for no reason. If conditions are right, chickens will regularly and happily lay eggs. Fortunately, the following reasons are manageable and can be remedied. (source)
1. They are not healthy
Chickens that are unhealthy, either because they are malnourished or they have developed a sickness or disease, will often stop laying eggs. Their bodies lack the needed supplements to keep egg production going.
2. Sudden change in scenery
Moving chickens to a new farm or new location on a farm can sometimes be so stressful to a chicken that they stop laying eggs all the sudden. It may take a couple weeks for them to get back on their regular egg laying schedule.
3. Lack of daylight
Chickens need lots of daylight to keep egg production at the highest rate. If the daylight hours are too short, a chicken’s body will not restart the reproductive process as quickly. Instead, it will wait until the next day’s sunlight to begin creating a new egg.

How to Encourage Your Chickens to Lay Eggs
There are few important steps you can take to help your chickens lay more eggs or start back laying if they have suddenly stopped. (source)
1. Feed supplements they are lacking
Chickens need to get adequate nutrition from their food to help facilitate the egg production process. Chicken layer feed, found at most farm supply stores, helps to encourage egg laying. Certain supplements in layer feeds, such as calcium, are vital in egg production.
2. Clear the coop of snakes, rats or other intruders
You may check your coop one day and notice that there are no eggs when there should be some. One possible reason is a predator has either stolen the eggs or the chickens have stopped laying due to the stress of an intruder.
If you notice that your chickens have stopped laying eggs for no apparent reason, check for signs of a sneaky predator. Snakes, possums, raccoons, foxes and rats are notorious for stealing chicken eggs.
3. Provide more light inside the coop
Chickens lay more eggs when daylight lasts longer. To create artificial daylight, install a light inside your coop to trick your chickens into thinking it is daytime. Leave it on for at least 17 hours a day to keep egg production high.
4. Add comfy nesting boxes
Chickens enjoy a nice nesting box to lay their eggs in because it makes them feel safe and secure. Sometimes, without a safe place to lay eggs, chickens will either lay eggs in random places or they may stop laying altogether. Consider adding a few nesting boxes to your coop to encourage egg laying.
5. Do a little spring cleaning
A lack of egg-laying in your coop could indicate that the coop is not clean enough for the chickens. Sometimes, if you have not kept the coop relatively clean, chickens may get stressed out and stop laying eggs. Consider doing a full, spring clean on your coop and see if that helps the egg-laying process with your hens. Do not forget to clean out the nesting boxes!

How many eggs do chickens lay each year?
Regardless of whether a rooster is present, chickens on average can lay up to 276 eggs annually.
This number can be much higher or lower depending on the breed of the chicken, the food quality and the coop or farm environment.
Check out our article on chicken breeds to find the perfect type of chicken to fit your needs!
Final Thoughts
Sure, chickens do not necessarily need a rooster to lay eggs, but that does not mean that roosters are not important. They can protect your flock and keep it healthy, if needed. If you just really do not want a rooster on your farm, have no fear, you can still have plenty of chicken eggs, they just will never become baby chicks.
If having eggs just to eat is your goal, then you will not need a rooster, but you may consider it later if you decide to start producing your own baby chicks.