79+ Farmhouse Quotes

With farmhouse DIY and printable wall hanging projects being all the rage, coming up with unique quotes for your farmhouse decor can be challenging.

Here are over 79 farmhouse quotes and sayings that would be great for your next decor project.

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Round Banner
Yellow Round Banner
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf

Kitchens are for gathering families.

Joy comes with the morning.

There’s no place like home.

If you can be anything, be kind.

Happiness is homemade

It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Round Banner
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Round Banner
Yellow Round Banner
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf

Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty.

When snow falls, nature listens.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Be joyful, pray and always give thanks.

The best is yet to come.

If you tickle the earth with a hoe she laughs with a harvest.

Yellow Leaf