Can Duck Siblings Mate?

Mating between duck siblings (or incest) is completely safe in ducks so long as it does not repeat over many generations.

In ducks, inbreeding for a few generations is harmless. Some commercial breeders sometimes breed closely related ducks to promote a specific feature (this is known as linebreeding).

Effects of Ducks Sibling Mating

In ducks, inbreeding for a few generations is harmless. Some commercial breeders sometimes breed closely related ducks to promote a specific feature (this is known as linebreeding).

Inbreeding and Genetics

You should be careful when mating siblings. If siblings continue to mate for more than 3-5 generations, deformities can become prevalent and there can be growth slowness in offspring.

Inbreeding, Crossbreeding, and Linebreeding

Inbreeding is the mating of closely related ducks. In contrast, crossbreeding is the mating of ducks that are completely unrelated and often belong to different breeds.