Wild Duck Breeds

Green Curved Line

The world has over 120 duck breeds, and amongst these breeds, you’ll find the domestic ones and the wild ones.

Green Curved Line

American Black Ducks

Green Curved Line

American Black Ducks have dark brown plumage with light-brown heads. The males have yellow beaks, while the females have dull olive beaks.

African Black Ducks

Green Curved Line

African Black Ducks have dark-brown plumage with white spots, orange legs, and black bills. You’ll commonly find these ducks in fast-flowing rivers with sufficient wood around.

Chestnut Teal

Green Curved Line

Female Chestnut Teals have plain grey plumage with a rounded crown. The males, on the other hand, have less subtle plumage: a metallic-green head, dark-brown wings, and chestnut flanks.

Flying Steamer-Ducks

Green Curved Line

Adult Flying Steamer-Ducks have dull or brown-grey plumage. However, males usually have orange bills, while females have green ones.