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13 Types & Varieties of


Geese are generally hardy, low-maintenance, and easy to care for fowl. They thrive on various natural grasses and fresh water to drink and bathe in.

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While all types of lentils share the quality of being fiber-rich and chock-full of protein, there are some differences between them.

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Geese are generally hardy, low-maintenance, and easy to care for fowl. They thrive on various natural grasses and fresh water to drink and bathe in.

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Brown lentils are the most common and widely used type of lentils. They are easy to find and are available at local grocery stores.

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Brown Lentils

Geese are generally hardy, low-maintenance, and easy to care for fowl. They thrive on various natural grasses and fresh water to drink and bathe in.

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Green lentils are the toughest type of lentils. They come in various shades, ranging from a pale or spotted green color to a bright green color. Green lentils have a dish-like or flat shape.

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Green Lentils

Geese are generally hardy, low-maintenance, and easy to care for fowl. They thrive on various natural grasses and fresh water to drink and bathe in.

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Although they are called red lentils, they come in a variety of colors including, orange, yellow and pink.

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Red Lentils

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