You Can Raise the Farm

Types of Quail


With over a hundred species of quail, you have the luxury of choosing the quail breed suitable for your farm.


They can lay white to pale buff eggs with an average of 13-17 eggs. The incubation period for the eggs is usually 22-23 days. They have an average lifespan of 7 years in the wild.

California Quail


Mearns Quails have an average clutch size of 10-12 eggs. They can live for up to 4 years, while those in captivity can reach 7 years of age.

Mearns Quail


Female Scaled Quails are strong layers usually laying around 5-16 eggs with an average lifespan of 7 years in captivity.

Scaled Quail


Jungle Bush Quail hens lay around 4-9 cream-colored eggs each laying season. The incubation period for the eggs is 21 days.

Jungle Bush Quail

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