3 Types of Flour Beetles and How to Get Rid of Them

Flour beetles are pests that infest grain-based foods like cereals, and flour, and are often found in these items when they are stored. For this, they are common in home pantries, grocery shops, and food warehouses.

Confused Flour Beetle

The confused flour beetle is a dark-loving pest beetle known for infesting stored flour and grain. For this, they are common in silos, food warehouses, grocery stores, and homes.

Red Flour Beetle

The red flour beetle is a stored grain pest for a variety of stored grain products, mainly feeding on maize grains. Adult red flour beetles are slightly smaller than the confused flour beetle, with a flattish reddish-brown body that is slightly curved on the sides.

Destructive Flour Beetle

Destructive flour beetles grow slightly larger than the other two species when fully developed. Both the adult and larvae feed on crisp bread, birdseed, pasta, and oatmeal flakes

Flour beetles might be different but their control measures are similar. Traditionally, it is advisable to dispose of the affected food products and inform a professional right away