
Does a Cow Have  Two Stomachs?

A Look at Cow Digestion

"There are many myths in the world today about cows. One of the most common is about how many stomachs they have. Many people will say that cows have two stomachs, but is that true?"


"Cows technically only have one stomach but that one stomach contains four separate compartments that together form their digestive system."


"Ruminants are animals that have unique digestive systems that includes a stomach with four compartments including a rumen."


What is a Ruminant?

"Thanks to their extensive digestive system, cows are able to eat a variety of foods. Cows mainly eat a diet of grass and hay, sometimes with  grain added in."


What Can Cows Eat?

"Cows eat grass and other forage because of its availability and their ruminant-based stomach."


Why Do Cows Eat Grass and Forage?

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