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Do Chickens Eat

Slugs and Snails?

Since they will be prevalent from time to time, do chickens eat snails and slugs? Unfortunately, chickens will eat slugs and snails and they’ll do it without any hesitancy...

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The simplest answer is Gapeworms. The problem is, regardless of how rare the danger is, you don’t want to roll the dice when it comes to the health of your chickens.

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Why Are Slugs Dangerous  for Chickens?

Chickens run the risk of getting gapeworm from snails as well, however, it’s far less common for them to get it from snails than from slugs.

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Is There Any Danger from Chickens Eating Snails?

You can tackle this through one of two methods, or even both if it suits you. Either rotate Flubenol into your chicken feed for a single week every six months or spread anti-slug/snail pellets...

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How To Get Rid of Snails  and Slugs Safely