Can Goats Eat Watermelon?

Goats can eat watermelon and there is a decent possibility that your goats will absolutely love it! They can eat all parts of the watermelon including the flesh, rinds, seeds and even vines.

Watermelon is delectable fruit that can be safely fed as a treat to the majority of our caprine companions in restricted amounts.

Watermelon is a treat, so you may want to feed it after the goats have had their normal meal. A nice, cold watermelon snack mid-afternoon would be a welcome treat for your goats!

Goats tend to prefer the flesh instead, but the rinds are safe for them to consume. Most goats will skip over the green outer layer of the rind, preferring instead to dine on the juicy pink flesh, but both are safe.

Goats love to eat and they will eat just about everything. It is always good to stop and check if a particular food is safe before feeding it. Watermelon definitely makes the cut when it comes to foods that are safe for goats. 

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