Cattle farmers typically look to alternatives that will not adversely affect the health of their cows. One option they consider is pumpkin.

Cows can eat pumpkins, and they find them palatable too. Cattle benefit from the high moisture content and crude protein of pumpkins. 

Can Cows Eat Pumpkin?

About 80 to 88% of a pumpkin squash is made up of water and water improves disgestion which make disgestion easier for cows. 

Benefits of Pumpkins to Cows

Every 100 grams of pumpkin contains around 26 calories. So, pumpkins can serve as a valuable source of protein and energy for pregnant cows.

Benefits of Pumpkins to Cows

Pumpkin seeds are not dangerous to cows. It contains a group of compounds called cucurbitacin. These compounds have various medicinal properties.

Pumpkin Seeds

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