
How Chickens Lay Eggs

Without a Rooster

"The purpose of having chickens is usually to have fresh eggs each day, so how does that even happen without a rooster around?"


"Thanks to their unique reproductive process, chickens can lay eggs without a rooster. Their eggs will be nutritious and edible but will never transform into baby chicks without a rooster."


"A chicken’s reproductive system includes an ovary and an oviduct. The yolk of a future egg is first created in the ovary and when it is ready, it moves to the oviduct section."


How do chickens lay eggs?

"A chicken’s body, in the right conditions, completes the reproductive cycle of egg creation regardless of whether or not a rooster is around."


Why are roosters not needed  for chickens to lay eggs?

"No, roosters cannot lay eggs because they do not have the reproductive system that a hen does. Roosters provide only the fertilization of eggs..."


Do roosters lay eggs?