Bantam Chicken Breeds


Bantam Chicken perfect for small gardens because they vary from 1 third to ½ the size of a regular chicken. They are the miniature versions of regular sized chickens and there are 400 different types of bantam breeds.


Bantam Chicken require a minimum of 1 square foot per bird; however, Bantams kept in 2 square feet per bird enclosures are reported to be calmer and more docile.

Space & Environment

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Bantam chickens only eat a third of the amount of the food of regular chickens. They need calcium, grit, electrolyte powder and vitamins. Clean water should always be available to these chickens.

Food & Nutrition

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* Potato skins * Wheat & Corn Grains * Carrots * Apple Cores * Vegetable Skins * Broccoli * Bananas * Pumpkin * Mealworms * Dried Mealworms

Foods That Are Good For Bantam Chickens

* Crisps * Rhubarb * Avocado * Chocolate (any sweets) * Garlic * Onions * Heavily processed foods

Foods That Are Bad For Bantam Chickens

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