Plants and pets can both brighten and enrich our lives. However, we are responsible for providing each of them with the safe environment they require.
Dogs might eat houseplants or garden shrubs out of curiosity or mischief, so pick pet-safe varieties for indoor and outdoor settings. Certain plants, in fact, can be fatal to animals.
Fortunately, many common ones are dog-friendly, but it’s still your duty to ensure your pet is safe.
Because we care about your dog’s well-being as much as you do, we did the legwork to find dog-friendly plants for your home and yard. So, please keep reading.

Table of Contents
Essential Details: List of 12 Dog-Friendly Plants
Name | Basic Information | Houseplant/Outside |
Orchid | Appealing flowers. Long blooming. Bright, indirect light. Mid to low maintenance. | Houseplant |
Spider Plant | Low maintenance. Air purifying ability. Bright to moderate indirect sunlight. | Houseplant |
Calathea orbifolia | Mid to low maintenance. Air purifying ability. Moderate indirect sunlight. | Houseplant |
African Violet | Mid to low maintenance. Beautiful, colorful blooms. Bright to moderate indirect sunlight. | Houseplant |
Pilea peperomioides | Coin-shaped green leaves. Low maintenance. | Houseplant |
Boston Fern | Medium maintenance. Appreciates warm and humid conditions. Air-purifying ability. | Houseplant Outside in hardiness zones 9 to 11. |
Polka Dot Plant | Vividly colored leaves. Low maintenance. | Houseplant Outside in hardiness zones 10 to 11. |
Fuchsia | Beautiful blossoms. Medium maintenance. Different color variations. Suffers in dry air. | Houseplant Outside in hardiness zones 10 to 11. Annual garden plant in other zones. |
Heuchera | Ornamental leaves are available in many different colors. Low maintenance. Hardy. | Outside in hardiness zones 4 to 9. |
Antirrhinum | Available in various colors. Lengthy flowering period. Low maintenance. | Outside in hardiness zones 7 to 11. |
Magnolia Tree | Beautiful flowers are available in various colors. Flowering in spring. Available in different sizes. | Outside in hardiness zones 5 to 9. |
Camellia | Flowering in late winter and early spring. Beautiful flowers are available in pink, white, or red hues. Prefers shady spots. | Outside in hardiness zones 6 to 9. Indoor or hothouse plants in other zones. |
1. Orchid

Orchids are unparalleled in their beauty and form, lengthy flowering period, longevity, and incredible variety.
Orchids, formerly pricey and exclusive, now outsell all other houseplant favorites.
Depending on the species of orchid, these unique blossoms can be found in a wide range of colors and sizes. They complement practically every interior design style and make lovely accent plants.
Taking care of an orchid indoors is a relatively easy task. Provide bright, indirect light, and extend the time before the next watering to allow the substrate to dry out.
The flower spike should be cut out once the blossoms have died, and only if the plant is root-bound should it be transplanted.
2. Spider Plant

Spider plants are houseplants that have a rosette of long, narrow, arching leaves that can be either pure green or white with green veining. These beautiful, low-maintenance houseplants are perfect for a hanging planter.
NASA has acknowledged the air-cleaning properties of spider plants and suggested they might be useful in lowering indoor pollution.
Keep these plants in bright to moderate indirect sunlight. Hot, direct sunlight will cause spider plant leaves to scorch and turn brown at the edges and in patches.
3. Calathea orbifolia

The huge, round leaves of Calathea orbifolia are not only aesthetically pleasing but also help cleanse the air in a room.
The undersides of these exquisite leaves are soft silvery green and gently patterned with silvery green marks.
Calatheas require lots of indirect light since their leaves will fade and lose their patterns if they are exposed to direct sunlight.
Avoid drafts and ensure the plant has enough ventilation.
4. African Violets

African violets are little houseplants that thrive in typical indoor temperatures and produce clusters of pink, white, violet, blue, or dark purple blossoms that bloom continuously throughout the year.
African violets thrive and flower most profusely in indirect, bright light.
Don’t be too eager to give your African violets more room once you’ve planted them; being a little pot-bound actually stimulates African violets to blossom more.
Don’t allow the soil to dry completely, but don’t overwater your African violets since their delicate stems may rot if they get too much water.
5. Pilea peperomioides

The Pilea peperomioides, also called the Chinese money plant or coin plant, is a stunning evergreen that has quickly gained popularity worldwide.
Named so for its distinctive coin-shaped leaves, the Pilea peperomioides, or coin plant, is also a safe selection for novice gardeners seeking a low-maintenance option.
Your Pilea will flourish if you give it lots of sunlight, frequent watering, and a little fertilizer in the spring and summer.
6. Boston Fern

The Boston fern is well-known as a powerful cleaner of indoor air, and it has long been planted as a tropically beautiful plant for use in both indoor and outdoor settings.
The Boston fern loves gentle handling. It thrives in warm, humid environments and is not fond of the cold or dry air that might be found near air conditioning or heating vents.
When grown inside, Boston fern thrives under indirect, bright light. Maintain a steady supply of water and fertilizer for your Boston fern while it is actively growing to keep the soil from drying out.
7. Polka Dot Plant

The polka dot plant is a striking ornamental plant with vividly colored leaves that stand out from any background.
The most typical Polka Dot plants have pink leaves with green specks. However, you can choose from a number of spotted or mottled variants in purple, white, red, and even deeper hues with more intensity.
These plants are not particularly challenging to cultivate, yet many gardeners consider them annuals because they are better suited to warmer climates. They are also adaptable houseplants, thriving in pots.
8. Fuchsia

Fuchsias are one of the most diverse families of flowering plants, with dozens of species and hues available.
Their multicolored flowers look lovely when displayed in containers like baskets and planters. Fuchsias may grow bushy, vining, or trailing, making them suitable for trellising in the garden.
Fuchsia plants thrive in bright, indirect light but cannot withstand high temperatures. The ideal conditions for growing fuchsias in pots are partial shade and temperatures well below 80°F throughout the day.
As annuals, they are planted as summer bedding plants or in hanging baskets and pots.
Growing fuchsias inside requires a sunny window with indirect light. However, they thrive in humid conditions and suffer when the air around them dries out.
9. Heuchera

Heuchera, or coral bells, is a multipurpose perennial with beautiful bell-shaped blooms and appealing leaves.
Coral bells are a type of flower that comes in a wide variety of shapes and colors and blooms throughout the year.
Coral bells can survive in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, and they can also handle a wide variety of soil types, temperatures, and moisture levels.
At least four to six hours of sunshine daily is ideal for optimal leaf color and flower production.
10. Antirrhinum

Antirrhinums are colorful, joyful plants that brighten up any border or planter. They are quite hardy and can thrive as a perennial in USDA zones 7 to 11.
Antirrhinum flowers, more often known as snapdragons, are a staple of traditional cottage gardens and are highly sought after by pollinators. They come in a variety of colors and heights and may be cultivated under many conditions.
They are attractive to wildlife and have a lengthy flowering period from June to October. Taller cultivars create excellent cut flowers and can be kept in water for up to a week.
11. Magnolia Tree

Magnolia trees are highly regarded because of the huge, fragrant flowers they produce each spring.
A wide variety of magnolias are available, so you can find one that works in your garden. Trees and shrubs can range in height from 15 feet to 80 feet or more.
In full bloom, Magnolias’ stunning tulip or star-shaped blossoms can reach the size of saucers. They come in a rainbow of colors, from pink to purple to white to even yellow.
They are rapid growers and do best in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9.
12. Camellia

The spectacular flowers produced by Camellias in the late winter and early spring, when few other plants are in bloom, have made them a popular choice among gardeners.
There are dozens of different types of Camellias available, with single or double blossoms in colors including white, pink, and red. Their glossy, evergreen leaves are attractive year-round.
Camellias are hardy in zones 6–9. They prefer mild winters and summers. Full or partial shade is ideal for them.
To prevent the flower buds from prematurely drying up, it’s better to plant them in a shady spot with morning sun.
Camellias grow best in acidic soil with a pH between 6 and 6.5.
Final Thoughts
You might be surprised by how many plants, both in the garden and at home, contain poisonous compounds that are dangerous to animals and people.
Before adding a new plant to your pet’s environment, do some research to ensure that it is not toxic. A list of plants hazardous to dogs is available online if you’re curious about which ones to avoid around your pet. (source)
Our post covers safe plants for outdoor and indoor settings, so if you’re searching for a unique gift for yourself or a friend who has a dog, you may use this as a resource.