So, sometimes you are caught between choosing to cook with duck eggs or with chicken eggs. Both types of eggs are great additions to your diet; they are nutritious, and perhaps you love their tastes equally.
However, for these same reasons, you find it hard to choose one type over the other, and the indecisiveness is bothering you.
Well, we’ve got just the article to ease your indecisiveness. Herein, we will be highlighting certain instances where chicken eggs might be more beneficial to you than duck eggs.
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7 Disadvantages of Duck Eggs
Duck Eggs Have Higher Calories
If you are mindful of the number of calories you consume, you may want to opt for chicken eggs over ducks eggs.
Duck eggs contain more calories than chicken eggs. On average, 100 grams of duck egg contains 185-223 calories, while a chicken egg of the same weight contains 149 calories.
Higher Levels of Cholesterol
If your health requires that you control your consumption of cholesterol, then duck eggs may not be the best option for you.
A 100-gram duck egg will give you almost three times the daily limit of cholesterol. Since you are already required to consume less cholesterol, taking three times the recommended limit is definitely not the best thing to do.
Non-Equivalent Sizes
The quantity of the content of duck eggs is not equal to that of chicken eggs.
Generally, chicken eggs are smaller than duck eggs, and they have higher fat content also. This means they may not have equivalent culinary value. In essence, you may not be able to substitute a duck egg directly for a chicken egg in your recipes. Especially when you are baking.
Duck Eggs Have Tougher Shells
Ducks have tough eggshells, which can be good and bad.
The toughness of the shells of duck eggs gives them longer shelf lives relative to chicken eggs. But, on the other hand, they are harder to crack than chicken eggs. It takes more effort and some practice to crack duck eggs cleanly.
If you do not crack the eggs properly, you may get tiny pieces of shells in what you are preparing.
You will not enjoy chewing eggshells, and you certainly will not fancy getting those tiny pieces out each time you crack a duck egg.
The Texture of Duck Eggs Is Not the Same as That of Chicken Eggs
The water content of duck eggs is lower than the water content of chicken eggs, and this might affect their texture when you use them in cooking.
Chicken eggs are estimated to contain about 90% water. Duck eggs, on the other hand, have about 88%.
Due to the lower water content, you may find it harder to whip up duck eggs. Also, they may quickly become rubbery if you cook them for too long.
So, if you intend to whip up some eggs, you may get better results with chicken eggs. Also, if you want to use eggs in a recipe that requires high heat for long periods, duck eggs might not give you the best result.
Duck Eggs Are Expensive
Another drawback of using duck eggs over chicken eggs is the cost.
You can circumvent the issue of expensiveness if you rear ducks and get eggs from them yourself.
Duck Eggs Are Relatively Hard to Find
Besides being expensive, you will have more ease finding chicken eggs than duck eggs.
Chicken eggs have a significantly higher supply, and you are more likely to find them in stores than duck eggs. If you really want duck eggs, you are more likely to get them at a local farmer’s market.
5 Advantages of Duck Eggs
We were not just going to leave you with reasons to choose chicken eggs over duck eggs. Since duck eggs have certain features that make them more beneficial than chicken eggs, we will discuss those features too.
Duck Eggs Have Higher Shelf-Life
As we mentioned earlier, the shells of duck eggs are thicker than those of chicken eggs. This feature makes them stay fresh longer than eggs from chickens.
Duck Eggs Have Higher Levels of Various Nutrients
When you talk about nutrients, duck eggs have relatively higher levels of the vitamins and minerals common to both types of eggs.
Compared to chicken eggs, duck eggs have more protein, fat, B vitamins, selenium, vitamin D, iron, choline, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc.
Duck Eggs Are Large
Duck eggs are usually larger than chicken eggs. The average duck egg is almost 1.5 times larger than the average chicken egg. So, you can get more from fewer duck eggs.
Duck Eggs Are an Alternative for People Who Are Allergic to Chicken Eggs
If you cannot eat chicken eggs because you react to them, you might be able to eat duck eggs in place of them.
Although both types of eggs contain similar substances, their proteins are a bit different. Since proteins are typically the causes of allergy, switching to duck eggs might work for you.
However, if your allergy symptoms are potentially life-threatening, you should speak with a medical doctor before trying duck eggs.
Duck Eggs Are the Better Option for Baking
Remember we said duck eggs contain less water but more protein and fat than chicken eggs? Well, these features can also be beneficial.
When duck eggs are used in baking, they usually produce pastries with improved texture. The cookies are typically lighter, and the cakes are fluffier.