Peacocks are one of the largest birds that can fly. The way they fly is similar to the act of a high jump. Because of their large body size (up to 89 inches) and their long tail feathers, there are some limitations on the height and distance they can reach.
Peacocks can only fly up to 82 feet high and 0.06 miles (100 meters) in distance. This is similar to the height of a full-grown medium-sized tree or the lowest branch of a large tall tree. The way peacocks fly is not exactly the graceful and swift flight you see from other birds.
To get some momentum, they start by running before leaping into the air to fly. They can’t sustain their flight for a long time due to their body size and long feathers. On the bright side, their large plumage assists them in landing smoothly whenever they jump down from a high place.

Although peacocks can only fly a short distance, their running speed reaches up to 10 miles per hour. Even if their wings are clipped, they can still jump up to 8 feet off the ground. Most of the time, they will stay on the ground foraging and scraping for insects and foods.
When they are in danger, they run and fly up to the nearest high perch, rooftop, or tree branch. This flight-or-fight response helps them to stay away from large predators.
Peacocks also fly to roost in large groups. They will fly up to the higher branches of tall trees at night and jump back down in the morning. This roosting group can reach up to 100 or 200 birds.
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5 Best Ways To Keep Your Pet Peacocks In The Yard
Keeping peacocks as pets is not hard as long as you know their essential needs and ways to make them feel safe and cared for. Here are 5 best ways to keep your pet peacocks in the yard:
1. Provide enough space for their pen
Peacocks are both territorial and flocking birds. They flock together and love to move around in a group but they also need their own private space.
So, it is advisable to build a pen with a minimum size of 80 square feet per bird. This could prevent any overcrowding issues or territorial fights if you have more than one peacock.
A large pen will also give male peacocks enough space to display their feathers without any possibility of injuries.
2. Put a chicken wire or fences around their pen
Putting chicken wire or fences around the pen will ensure that your pet peacocks are safe from any predators that could attack them at night.
This could be coyotes, wild dogs, or even nocturnal animals like raccoons and foxes. The last thing you want to is for your peacocks to be attacked or worse, eaten by any of these animals.
If you have other pets like dogs, be sure not to let them chase and scare your peacocks. If possible, try to mix them slowly and see if they get along together.

3. Make sure their pen has thick and strong walls
The main purpose of having a large pen with thick and strong walls is to keep your peacocks from any extreme cold or hot climates. Although they are a hardy breed, they still need to live in a place that protects them when the climate changes rapidly.
If you are raising peacock chicks, be sure to place them in a heated environment for at least 4 to 6 weeks after they hatch. Then, a regular weekly check-up is needed to make sure the temperature inside the place is over 95° F (35° C) from the start and reduce it slowly (around 5° F (2° C) each week).
4. Train your peacocks to stay in their new environment
When you are raising peacocks in a new place, it is important to make sure your pets are comfortable with their new environment. Unlike their natural habitats in the wild where they roam freely, they might feel trapped or restricted when living in a guarded space.
If they can’t adapt and feel that their new ‘home’ is not safe or free from threats, they might turn anxious and feel the need to escape. The best thing to keep them safe is keeping them in a confined place for at least 3 weeks.
During this period, treat them with enough care and attention. This is to ensure that they trust you enough to stay with you of their own free will. Provide them with enough food and water to make them feel like their new place is better than before.
When they are ready to go out, you can build a flight pen to reward them for staying in their new home. This flight pen will allow your peacocks to be outside without having to worry that they will fly away or roost on a tree branch.

5. Feed them with a balanced diet and clean water
Finally, feed your pet peacocks with healthy and balanced meals to sustain their essential needs for growth. Two handfuls of mixed grain per day are enough to provide with all the minerals and vitamins they need. You can also incorporate some vegetables and fruits to make their meals more delicious and interesting.
Every once in a while, you can feed them bread as a treat. Also, be sure to change their water regularly to keep it fresh and free from any contamination.
Final Thoughts
Peacocks are beautiful large birds that can fly, even if it’s just for a short time. In fact, they belong in the same family of other flying ground birds like pheasants.
Keeping peacocks as pets is similar to other exotic animals. Due to their natural habitats of living in the wild, they will need to be trained properly to make sure they are happy and healthy being domesticated. But with the right guidance and attention, they can make a wonderful pet.